
We can provide advice on the right system for you.

The depth of experience of our staff means that they are able to listen to your needs and suggest solutions that meet them.

We keep very little stock as the IT business moves very quickly. This means we will always sell you the most suitable, up-to-date product available.

We sell what best suits your business, not what we have to sell to get rid of old stock.

After Sales Support

We believe that good after sales support is vital. We know that you can buy your equipment from other people but not everyone offers you good support both before and after the sale.

Many organizations will gladly sell a piece of equipment over the counter at a reduced price, but the chances are they have little knowledge on the actual product and come time for the installation and implementation of the equipment, you are on your own.

How valuable is your time?

What is the cost of spending hours attempting to install something you don’t quite understand?

What is the cost of the disruption to your company?

Is it worth the frustration?

Remember.... Your customers do not pay you when you're "tinkering" with your computer equipment.

LYNX Computer Services engineers are familiar with all products sold and can be installed with a minimum of disruption to your company.

Hardware Maintenance Agreements

With information systems becoming more important to your business and IT infrastructure becoming more complicated, you need to know that you can have effective experts on call when you need them.

In companies that do not have Hardware Maintenance Agreements, staff typically postpone service calls for as long as they can, which not only causes an interruption to the efficiency of work throughput, but many times escalates the cost of the repair.

Not only is there the cost of having a qualified engineer to come to site to rectify the problem, but the cost of parts can run into the many hundreds of dollars and even into the thousands.

LYNX Computer Services has an understanding of the support that businesses need to run their IT infrastructure effectively. This has enabled us to put together a support contract that will offer your business a cost-effective solution for your IT support problems.

Why sit on the phone attempting to describe to someone your network configuration, Operating System Revisions, installed patches as well as the problem you are experiencing. With a maintenance contract, Lynx Computer Services engineers know your operation, know your equipment and the chances are the problem could easily be rectified over the phone.

Key features of our support contracts are:

Free telephone support

Prompt call out times

No call out charges for items not covered by the Maintenance Agreement ( Standard Hourly rate still applies )

No up front survey costs

Remote support by modem (where facilities are available)

LYNX Computer Services engineers have experience going back many years. Our Engineers have seen most problems before and can solve them quickly and cost effectively. With most business now coming to a stand still if their computer system fails, a service contract of this nature can be thought of as an insurance policy to keep you business up and running.

Consumable Supplies

LYNX is able to offer you the service of supplying your consumable needs at a very competitive rate. Dealing with technically trained people and not people whose job it is just to sell off a price list, you can rest assured knowing that your consumables are:

Being supplied by people who know how the equipment works.

Being supplied by people who can advise you which supplies are correct for your equipment.

Being supplied by people who know the quality difference in supplies and are not supplying an item which may actually damage the your equipment.

Site Cabling Requirements

Organizing computer cabling on a site can be a technical nightmare for someone who doesn’t quite understand the cabling requirements for the many types of computer installations. In affiliation with specialized computer cabling contractors, LYNX is able to organize your computer cabling to your system requirements.

Barcoding And Scanning
LYNX is able to assist you in the setting up of bar-coding and scanning equipment within your organization. LYNX specialize in the SYMBOL range of scanning equipment and can advise you on what is the right equipment for your needs.
After Hours Support

With business now more dependant on computer systems, the need for computer service to be performed after hours to avoid disruption or downtime during the day is ever increasing. LYNX offers after hours support so as to minimize disruption to your business.

All content and images Copyright Lynx Computer Services 2003